Title : Haywire Game : Half-Life SvenCoop Author : Turrican Contact- AIM : Furrican Web Address : http://turrican.decksix.com Description : Walkthrough style svencoop map Custom Sky, 'Progress', provided by Mighty Pete and the excellent Wadfather website. http://www.planethalflife.com/wadfather This map was made sometime in 2002. It was the first SvenCoop map I made, and was inexperienced at the time. However, I managed to show everyone I wasnt some newbie mapper who said 'OH LOOK IM A FORUM REGULAR ABOUT TO MAP' and made a shit map. At the time, SvenCoop maps were of quite a low quality, being just a square room with some enemies in, so this got into one of the SvenCoop map packs. You might notice that the robogrunts near the end of the map all bleed. Back then, robogrunts didnt exist, we only had the model. I simply model replaced some hgrunts. But it was different and exciting at the time! A bit...