iced Info and Credits by Monkey-Knuckles February 27, 2012 The iced map architechture was based on some of the Counterstike Iceworld maps. However I created all the brushes from scratch. The upper level is constructed in a way that to reach the opposing Boss Chubby, you usually have to go thru the opposing teams area on the lower level. I added some custom textures such as the walls on the lower level and the towers and huts on the upper level.I wanted a simple map, condusive to team coop - concentrating on gameplay. A two-level Iceworld type structure seemed perfect for this. This is not deathmatch, although you can kill your human enemies. You must work together with your human and NPC allies to destroy your opponents Boss Chubby. You also need to protect your Boss Chubby. One strategy would be to send some players to attack the enemy Boss Chubby, while leaving a few players behind to protect your Boss Chubby. The enemy Boss Chubbies have their own protectors, who are quite powerful. So even if you fail to protect them for a brief time they will be protected for a while. You are either a member of the red or the blue team. You will always spawn in front of the cubes marked with a stripe of your team color. All your human and NPC allies will glow with your color (as well as yourself). When you look at an ally, their name and status as a friend will appear by them. If you are ever in doubt as to which team you are on, you can turn on 3rd person view to verify what color you are glowing. Likewise your enemies will all glow with your opposing team color and the NPCs will show as enemies. Team scores are flash occasionally across the screen. These totals are for existing players, not any players who have left the level. Scores are based on 1 point for each enemy killed. You can kill a friendly NPC (and lose points) but not a friendly player. If you shoot at a freindly NPC he may get mad at you and attack, but he can't kill you. You can get friendly Otis's to follow you if you ask them nicely. Irregardless of your team score, the team that wins is the team that destroys the opposing Boss Chubby. If you are killed, you will always respawn on the same team you were on when you died. I have not figured out a way to allow players to change teams within the level. If it is necessary, a player may leave the server and comeback. There should be a 50/50 chance you'll come back on the opposite team. I was hoping rcbot for SC 4.7 would be available by the release of this map. I wanted to test it as this would be an excellent bot map. credits: slashtime music: fightforyourlife by Xythe ( thanks for the link JPolito. zombie_soldierf.mdl : Standard model modified by me to increase walking and strike speed. duffle5.mdl (replacement for weaponbox), created from scratch by myself. knife models and sounds: Not sure but I think they came from Opposing force. thanks to sniper and the sven-coop team for continued improvements allowing us to expand our mapping creativity. Monkey-Knuckles If you wish to communicate with me directly, you can always pm me on the forum.