============================ KeenSolarsystem1 - Beta 3 Author: Keen (svencoop4ever@aol.com) (AIM:svencoop4ever) This Text last updated 4/13/2007 4:59 AM ================================== This map is a beta and not yet complete! ============================================= Most of these planets are rotating a lot faster then they should but i knew that the outer planets rotated slower then the inner planets so i tried to make it kinda of realistic. The scales obviously are not realistic but this is just a semi-simulation not a to-scale ultra realisic one. I hope to release a new version sometime later this month with real 3d planets that a friend made. KNOWN BUG : If you walk into the sun you are stranded and can't get out. This is because I never added the suns fiery surface that would crisp you and take you back to the solar system. Sorry, working on it. ======================================================= Thanks for the wav turrican! You rock! ================================================== If you need to contact me please email me at : svencoop4ever@aol.com AIM : svencoop4ever If you would like to see more and greatly superior quality pictures, including some used in this map, please goto: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/images/images.cfm?categoryID=1 http://marsrovers.nasa.gov/home/ Thank you NASA! You inspire us all!