keenzonea9 by CryoKeen To activate the ambient music in the map, if the music isn't "on" when you join the map, kill the respawning headcrab, it might take a 10 second delay but it will respawn, kill it twice if youve just started the map. Otherwise just once will toggle on/off the ambient music in the map. This map is unfinished, was sort of meant to be a "fun" map to goto when your bored. The map is not finished, but seeing as I couldn't see myself in the near future working on it, I figured I would release this version until I got around to it. Teleporting through the weapon strips is not advised for the first play through as that messes up the puzzles pretty good. The only other major thing you want to realize is that theres no game_end trigger, so the map won't end unless the 30 minute timelimit is reached. Credits: Friends and family over the years who've kept me goin! Turrican also converted some of the loops used in this map