Multifield Scyberscrazer map By: Robootto _________________________________________ Mappers Homepage: WWW.ROBOOTTO.s5.COM Secondary offical map site: WWW.BATTLEFIELD-INFERNO.TK (- the finnish server's svencoop website for info, rules and list) ------------- robos homepage @ _________________________________________ Multifield Scyberscrazer ======================== Introductions: Map starts at insular island middle in vast plain dune, Read forward to know more... Storyline; When reingforcements arrived, troops had been sended prepared to as called "Multifield mission" in hazzard zone area, builed by quaint-alien-army corporations. Story is settle on year 2011, when there was some areas like, scyberscrazer genemanipulation labs. In this typical area, scientists made big mistake testing to manipulate new kind of monsters to their alien-army, something weird happened and subhumanoids and monsters took control. They are enemys in this map, like Minihorzys, Black alienslaves but also there is created gens for allied an small-sided, pink, skinny and friendly Alien slave. Objectives: Mission will be hard, army had plant teleports for right locations, First to the torn, outside next to multiple-train and then to the research labs multifield areas In these last areas you have to activate four buttons located in different rooms to enter upon "multi" -field for escape. _________________________________________ Construction: Logo texture, Models, Map & Sound By: Robootto Wax model by: Rngatdzs ~~~ Map: Hammer Editor 3.4 Textures: Wally Models: Milkshape 3d 7.5 & Half-Life Model Viewer v1.25 Compiled with ZHLT Compile GUI _________________________________________