Sven Co-op Resident Evil map pack Made in 2014-12-07 (YYYY-MM-DD) For Sven Co-op 4.8 (though not tested :P) Including: re1 reco reo1 (Captain Scarlet's update applied) re_aftermath re_evil_directors_cut -- Notice -- 1. Because the resources used by these maps are seriously overlapping each other, model and sound files are kinda shuffled. Therefore, some models may not work well in some maps. To fix this, you should download the original map files and overwrite the files. (eg. If wanting to play re1, but models not working properly, download the original re1 files and overwrite) 2. Map makers of the maps above didn't really manage the files well, and some files are not even used but still they are included. I erased some of them, but I left things I don't know if not needed. If you are able to distinguish, you could be free to erase them. 3. I've matched all the files upper/lower case sensitive in .res files, for linux server operators. 4. All maps have .res files, generated by RESGen, Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Jeroen Bogers and Zero3Cool 5. This map pack is not tested and approved for Sven Co-op 4.8 and upper. May not work well, because these maps were made in the times of Sven Co-op 3.0. 6. Specific credits are skipped here, and I DO NOT OWN ANY RIGHTS OF THE MAPS ABOVE. ----------- Have fun.