Title: RoofTop Warfare v1.0 Author: Ryan 'Distrophy' Lombardi Game Map Name: rooftopwar.bsp Map Type: Walkthrough Author's Website: http://cemax.ionichost.com ================================================ Plot: You and your team are stuck on top of a commercial building. You must work your way through the building and to the xen spiral. You're opposition will include assassins, grunts, controllers, alien grunts, alien slaves, sentry turrets, snarks, headcrabs and various challenges/traps. ;) ================================================ Sidenote: This map was inspired by the map rooftwar by Brian 'Buddy' Mayberry (buddy@fragbait.com) whose site and mailing adress are dead (which prevented any contact between us). This map has been rebuilt from the ground up (literally). ================================================ Credits: Map design/Ideas/Slave labor : Ryan 'Distrophy' Lombardi (http://cemax.ionichost.com) Playtesting/Inspiration/Ideas : TheBeast Env/building textures : http://www.planethalflife.com/wadfather/ : Locknut (Locknut@netscape.net) ================================================ This map may be re-distributed under the following conditions: The main archive/files are intact and un-altered. Proper credit is given to the author. It is not sold or used commerically without the author's consent.