---------------Rush--------------- by Ryan Goodrich \ ry_goody ry_goody@hotmail.com Note: this map was made especially for Sven Co-op (www.planethalflife.com/svencoop) and may not work properly on other mods or regulaer HL. INSTALLATION: Copy and paste the RUSH.bsp and rush.cfg into your SvenCoop\Maps directory. Then Copy the rush.nod and rush.nrp into your SvenCoop\Maps\Graphs directory. Run the HL.exe go to "Custom Game" and activate "SvenCoop", then play either a "Internet Game" or a "LAN Game" running the map "rush". Although because this is a marine vs player map there are around 4-10 marines in the map at times so it may be to laggy for Internet play. But don't worry if you don't have anyone to join your LAN game, It is still fun to play by yourself. GOAL: Run from your base to the shed in the back of the level marked "Generators". Turn on the first generator (there are 6 generators) and it will power 1 of the 6 doors in your base allowing that door to open and give you access to better weaponry. You cannot turn on a generator until all of it's previous generators have been turned on. Thanks to Sven Viking for answering all my questions and making this map possible. Also www.planetquake.com/worldcraft deserves some of my appreciation for the great explanations of nearly all the entities in Worldraft.