----------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Title: SandStone HL MOD: Sven Co-op http://www.svencoop.com Origional : December 2, 2003 3.5 Remake : January - July 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Authors: - Travis Wilson (tdw) tdwdesign@yahoo.com - Michael Jansen (Hezus) hezussupastar@hotmail.com Assistance: Sven Viking ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -=STORY=- A group of mercenaries have acquired bio-hazardous material and took shelter in a small town. Overhead surveillance of the area has confirmed nine targets for demolition. Your mission is to escort the Engineer to all of these targets. Your team will need to hold back any incoming forces and give the Engineer cover fire while he plants the explosives. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -=CREDITS=- HD Models: HIT Team http://bulletpain.com/hitforum/index.php HD Grunts: One Eyed Newt HD HWGrunt: Caldwell Engineer Idea: Felix Models : Panzerfaust & Benefctr Tactmap Texture : Workout by Puchi, upgraded by Hezus and finally made hotter than the sun by Panzerfaust. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -=Special Thanks=- **SC Core Team Members** Sven Viking Sniper Jerig Nivekdev Mad Jonesy (GIT)r-man Commando **SC General Team Members** Caldwell ZeroPulse Flewda MarGon BurnOut64 **SC Official Mappers** BMTwigzta Dan200 Kenny Mystic_MDT Paul Shuttle Penguin **Beta Testers** Corona The-Real-Game Valve Gearbox ID Software Sierra and last but not least, all of the SC forum Moderators and forum Members ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for Sven Co-op 4.7 by AdamR: * Added blip sounds for messages to ensure they are noticed * Added sprites to show which bombs have been destroyed already on the map * Added boss human using the Bodyguard monster, he has akimbo Uzi's * Boss enemies are named 'Terrorist Elite Guard' and are tougher * Enemies are named instead of just 'Enemy' - Soldiers are 'Terrorist Guard' - Snipers are 'Terrorist Sniper' - Heavy weapons soldiers are 'Terrorist Heavy Guard' * Fixed ambient sounds not playing * Fixed bad lighting compile * Fixed being able to get stuck in the mounted machine guns * Fixed engineer sometimes getting stuck up narrow steps * Fixed delayed flight of the extraction Apache * Fixed (most) grunt doors opening the wrong way * Fixed grunts facing the wrong way out of doors * Fixed grunts not stopping to spawn with their relative bomb area * More reliable system for the engineer planting bombs * New sky map with a fully visible sun * No messages will appear over the player cross hair * Players can now hurt allied NPC's If the player count is higher than 10: * Grunts from doors spawn every 4 seconds, rather than every 8 * 4 extra heavy grunts and 4 extra snipers spawn every minute