MAP Name: sc45Op_escort Designed by Wolf-3D ALPHA Release Warnings: A) There is a DANGER/possibility of corrupting Player XP. B) Server/Client *Recommended* to have more than 1 Gig RAM. ***************************************************************************************** NB: Please back up any Live/Player Experience (XP MOD) rankings before testing this map. ***************************************************************************************** ==================================================================================== Known Bugs: =========== a) Error: Texture Overflow GL_MAXTEXTURES, USED to Appear intermittently. (Hopefully Gone) b) Recommended: Server/Client needs to have more than 1 Gig RAM. Otherwise intermittent Hanging giving crash.mdmp Exception error of: "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access." Again intermittently and depending on if other Apps are running at same time. (i.e. SC + Hammer editor) c) Tracking of players to respawn positions works most of the time. (Hopefully Fixed) d) Changeing of Player HP and Armour can be effected by c). (This is also similar to XP MOD in functionality and Could cause conflicts). e) Error: ALLOC_BLOCk FULL (Intermittent on less than 1 Gig RAM) ===================================================================================== CHANGE LOG: ============ 29/09/2011 - Ammended NPC behaviour to make teleport of torch & Med easier, map1 -> map2 (Behaviour Still glitchy, Torch teleport not 100%) - Changed LVL6 (wire cutter) from Generic to player specific. NOT TESTED. - Expanded game counters (Still not yet implemented). 28/09/2011 - Fixed render of item_security (per lvl, static and Alternate). 27/09/2011 - Minor changes to info_nodes, HUD and LVL1 messages, added "missing smoke" to expolsion. 25/09/2011 - Fixed Missing texture and model bug spotted by: "cold_blood3d_killa" Pre-Alpha Changes: ================== Some levels of play are not set correctly (too much ammo spawn, healthpacks deliver too much, monsters not tough enough) Torch Gunt fails to sync with cutting doors. (sometimes Kick is late). ** Removed and Changed sequence to door kick on all levels for the moment. ** Icy sequence of events not yet expanded to bait properly (LVL 6) - Corrected Icy sequence of cabinates not fully tested (LVL 6) - Tested appears to be bug free. Backup Generator Ninja Spawns LVL 5 sometimes and not just 6. - Corrected Tor spawns garden area on LVL 1-6 !just 6. - CORRECTED Seeing through Skybox after map split - Recreated and FIXED Func_door_rotating (slime tank, with barnacle) "Disappearing in Game" - Recreated and FIXED Trigger_random (flask secret, fixed to one flask for testing) - Left for testing purposes. Trigger_random_unique (Teleports, Map2 -> Map1 particially broken due to map split and Robo's cannot be returned to Heli Pad correctly. - Changed to Ending to Teleport at CenCOM) Intermittent failure of temporary end_map here. Walker death - Intermittent failure of map_end. trigger_random (placement of Eletronic Key cards) - DONE Illumination of Key Cards per play level - DONE 28/09/2011 Randomised cabinates - deactivated for testing. - REMOVED Vent Traps - REMOVED as tester, Wulven decided they where vindictive in nature. Vent Mosters sticking in vent walls during spawning - To BE FIXED Reparing of Robo Grunts with Wrench sometimes/intermittently fails. No idea, as turrents can allways be repaired when this occurs. Expansion of Teleported Medic sequence map2 lvl6 - TO BE DONE. Teleport of Engineer to Map2 - To BE DONE Expansion of Engineer sequence map2 lvl6 - TO BE DONE Further Reduce Players HP/Promote team healing on start of Map2 - TO BE DONE Unfinished areas: ================= Vents (not as complicated as intended but possibly difficult enough "as is".) Mine(s): Key, Safe, Lever and door present. Mine Area past entry point Blank/not done. Pool: Area removed and now broken but "two access tasks" still present (poster & mag can be discovered) but then don't lead to/do anything.