##http://goannasvencoop.com sc_death_mission2 Mission Objectives: 1-Take out the tank and destroy all opposition. 2-Find the switches to open grates and a security card to access main door.You also have to find a piece of missing conduit to get the security switch working. 3-Find the buttons that control the doors containing the scientists. Lead the scientists to the teleporters. 4-In the last room the 3rd button is hidden among several buttons. Pushing each button is the only way to find the correct button. The other buttons control teleporters; wonder what teleports in? 5-There are two secret rooms containing items to find also. ==================================================== ==================================================== Mission brief: You've made it to the compound, good job. Now, there are 3 scientists being held in secret rooms. These rooms can only be found once the cell doors have been activated. Lead them back to the teleporters and put one in each unit for safe transport back. There are many traps and obsticles in your way to finding these buttons, not to mention the place is over run with assassins. ====================================================