----------------------------------------------- Sven Coop: Gosu ----------------------------------------------- Filename : sc_gosu (bsp/cfg) Mapper : Kampy Mappers Page : www.kampys-stuff.de original map : Gosu (HLDM by Kampy) Construction Time : one week Beta Testings : 2.2 size : medium Enemy Type : alien, human ----------------------------------------------- Hints: 1) destroy the crates that block your way 2) find the powercrystal and destroy it 3) use the lightswitch ------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT: you may not do this without my permission: - decompile and change this map - sell it in any way ------------------------------------------------ visit www.kampys-stuff.de for more maps (HL+CS) If you have any comments on my map(s) contact me! my icq : 82273535 my email & msn : Kampy20@gmx.de or write in my guestbook on my page! Now have fun! :) ------------------------------------------------