MAP Name: *** WARNING: ALPHA release, Maps not complete nor stable. *** Sysops and Server Administrators should read sc_retrieval_sysop.txt ========================== *** .: Briefing :. *** ========================== *** .: Mission Orders :. *** A) Find the Scientists, rescue them or allow them to escape into our custody. B) Destroy any records of the scientists' Research. C) Kill all specimens in the sea monster breeding colony. D) There are rumors of prototype RoboGrunts and other advanced weapons being developed at the facility. Confirm, find and retrieve. E) G-Man will issue additional orders, depending on player actions and the level of player difficulty selected. Optional: Discover new areas, advanced weapons and general secrets. ====****====****====****====****====****====****====****====****====****====****====****==== Easter Eggs/Secret areas: Yes, at least Four or More, Mostly Compulsory on LvL 6 Play. ====****====****====****====****====****====****====****====****====****====****====****==== Map created by Wolf-3D. Type: Sven Coop - FPS, Rescue & Puzzle map. NB: Opposing Force(OP) models used, so in addition to Sven COOP (ver 4.5), you need to have purchased, installed and run at least once: Half-life 1 and Opposing Force for this map to function as intended. Basic aims: 1) Build a map using as many of the new SC 4.5 features as possible. 2) Demonstate how much effort Community members have put into Sven Co-op and other Half-Life Mods. Game Play: Tried to make map enjoyable and varied a few things depending on difficulty. New Textures/Detail: Nope, kept textures standard as possible. Detailing normally there for a reason. Easter Eggs/Secret areas/Advanced Weapons: Yes, at least Four. For Credits see sc_retrieval_credits.txt