----------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Title: Strangers ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Author: - Onox792 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -=STORY=- A call warned about Gman stalking around a remote area of Black Mesa, we don't know what his mysterious agenda is, but one thing's assured: He must be stopped. Now you and your squad must stop him with the help of some HECU marines, it isn't a surprise that Black Mesa is still a zone with a lot of alien activity. Reports indicate high levels of Xen wildlife presence as well as the new "Race X", bio-mech units and even unidentified enemies. Be careful! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -=Special Thanks=- **Beta Testers** Ainaryu Nikov Lopeta Manel Hezus for some of his prefabs Dracula9AntiChapel for his Metroid Escape remix Mick Gordon for his Doom ost Tripwire for the Volter boss theme Valve Gearbox and last but not least, all of the SC developers. -----------------------------------------------------------------------