Sonic Greenhill Act1 (beta) By: TheBard Date: 10/Aug/07 ============================== (note added June-09) Map now abandoned--Map now abandoned--Map now abandoned The original Sonic brought to HL! 1 lvl for each Act, on each Zone (if i ever get them all done!) Best played using one of the Sonic player models. HINT: you have to colect all the rings before you can move onto the next Lvl. Note: Yes the friction is lower than normal. =============================== Thanks: to K-mac for the Ring model. And a number of Sonic websites i had to dig though for the sounds/musics, etc Things that still may change: Custom enemy models. Things that would have been nice: Spikes instead of toxic water. (Tried spikes, however the engin didn't like rendering 500+ spikes, plus the map always slowed down to a crawl!)