SPRAYART - Beta 1 - by cold_blood3d ================================================= Welcome to SprayArt, a giant drawing canvas where you can make artwork with your sprays! Just look down at the ground and press your spray key really quickly as you move around. Draw pictures, write stuff, play games, be creative, and have fun. :D Features: - 6 drawing canvases, which you can cycle through. - Lots of background styles. Choose from 10 textures or 16 colors. - Toggle-able grid. - Overhead camera. - Conveyor belts and longjump, to get around quickly. Simply shoot the floating buttons to use these features. Tips: - For added control, it helps to be in thirdperson from up high. Go to Command Menu > Camera > Distance > 1024. - The server must have have decalfrequency set to 0. - It's also suggested that players set mp_decals to 5000. Upload pictures of your spray art to http://scmapdb.com/map:sprayart ! Special thanks to Uglysweater, Johnny, ShellM591, and SnarkCafe.