============================ Tritonbeta (Alpha 1) Author: Keen (svencoop4ever@aol.com) (AIM:svencoop4ever) ================================== This map is a beta and not yet complete! ============================================= 1. There is a laser beam about half way through the map that will gib you if you dont have 100% HEV and 100% Health. The monster_alien_voltigore is set to trigger the beam so it goes off. 50% of the time people play this map everything is fine. The other 50%, well the monster dies and the beam stays on. It will gib any normal thing going through it UNLESS you MAX YOUR ARMOR to 100%, health 100%, luckily there is a charger nearby so you can more easily do this if this happens. There is a trigger that sets the 2nd set of info_player_deathmatch respawn point's so once you get through the beam and hit that trigger then 95% of the time you will respawn AFTER the beam of death and be fine. For some reason 5% of the time you respawn at the old spawn point. 2. There are 2 black what look like sliding up doors near the laser beam of death, destroy these and you get rpg's and other explosives. It will make it more easy kill the 6000 hp of the monster_alien_voltigore. Alright now that that is over with ... this map is something I worked on for a bit and put on the back burner and I will fix that big, ie take the Voltigore out as soon as I get back to my home computer and can recompile the rmf. In the meantime I thought it would be nice if people would like to try it out. The bug isn't impossible to get through, you just have to have max armor then you can make it through. I apologize for the inconvenience. Once you hit the rusty vents and kill the zombies the map is over, i mention this because there is a very dark spiraling stair case and its not very clear the map is done. I will complete it this weekend as well as remove the Voltigore. ================================================== If you want to see some really cool space pics and pics from the surface of mars goto: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/images/images.cfm?categoryID=1 http://marsrovers.nasa.gov/home/ Thank you NASA! You inspire us all!