Underground By Nih You and your friends have been drinking and you end up in some sewers in some country. You and friends suddenly get attacked by some soldiers. With guns. You decide to kill them. With guns. Other Stuff: » Your guns are located behind the first pillar. » Hide in the water! You can sneak past the first group of grunts without taking damage. » There are two ways to get up to the grunts. Through some kind of vent thing, or by the use of ropes. » Some of the weapons have increased damage. » There's a bug in the Half-Life engine that makes all water fully lit. I thought it looked strange in this dark area, so I decided to invent some kind of fix. With this "fix" the water isn't too bright, but it won't move like normal water, and your flashlight doesn't work on it unless you aim it at something else near the water.