#################### # VGer 2 - Alpha #################### Please NOTE: When the screen freezes, it means Half-Life is building a node graph. This will take 10 secs to 20 seconds to build. 0800: March 7, 2037 You braved squads of Rebels, hordes of aliens, and a robobotic army, only to fail to cut the head off of the snake. VGer has escaped by uploading his main program to Viking ship in orbit. The place shakes, a cool voice utters the words, "All personal, please vacate the facility immediately." Patching your wounds and gathering ammo from your deceased comrades, you prepare to enter Hell's Kitchen. Screw VGer, screw the rebels, and screw the aliens to hell, all your concern is now getting out of this bloody deathtrap alive. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Map by VGer3781 VGer3781@hotmail.com