=------------------------------------------= Title: Warehouse-invasion Author: Corona (Vinnie_Corona@hotmail.com) ICQ: 62418859 IRC: |Corona| Gamesnet: #S_I #Svencoop #rcs Quakenet: #BYSI #EDF Type of Map: Coop Recommended players: 2-8 Warehouse-invasion is a map that requires real teamwork. =------------------------------------------= Thanks for the people who tested this map, and gave feedback and idea's. Thanks for the radio set prefab made by Netwalker (NetWalker_11@yahoo.com) And a verry special thanks for Marc/Foddex at http://rcs.valve-erc.com (remote compile system). =------------------------------------------= * Construction * Editor(s) : Worldcraft 3.3, Walley New textures: yes (are included in the bsp) New sky: no New sounds: no New models: no Compile Time: compiled on 2001/12/22 12:38:15 csg 0h 0m 32s bsp 0h 0m 11s vis 0h 3m 30s (oi) rad 0h 13m 47s Compile Machine : http://rcs.valve-erc.com R_speeds : There in the limits (W_poly <900, E_poly <10000) ========================================================= Description: Get into the warehouse with the help of your party members. When your inside, open the big sliding doors and invade the warehouse :) Miscellaneous: For the people that dont know how to climb on each other: One person must duck and stay ducked, the other one jumps on the ducked person. Now the one that is ducking, must release the ducking key, and the person op top must press the jump key ONCE. The one on top is now in the air, and can duck-jump to high places. When your at the river, there will be a rope hanging above it. To climb the rope, stand beneeth it and press the jump key ONCE. Then look at the end of the rope, and press forward, be sure not to fall becouse then you will have to start over again. And there is a secret below the helicopter landing pad @_@