Why... Made by The-Real-Game therealgame_uk@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story : You opposed the experiments, you said it was wrong to try and explore Xen worlds. There was only a few of you who didn't want the test to go ahead, you said you would play no part in it. Thats why you're here. We, the Administators of Black Mesa, don't want you to say anything of the experiments into Xen and you will not stop the test from going ahead. You've been placed in the unknown section of black mesa, so your colleages will not be able to help you. You will be staying here until further notice, any attempt to escape will be meant with hostility from our security personnel. So this means it will be in your best intrests to stay put. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Incoming Tranmission* I know what they've done to you, I've managed to locate some blueprints of the area your trapped in. You need to : * Destroy the first power source to unlock level one doors. * You can then eliminate the second power source and gain access to the level 2 areas. * After that your on your own!