zombie_nights by the-middleman Your goal is to survive three nights. Just play this map and read the glossary if you have questions. ######## Glossary ######## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antibiotics When you are infected you will need antibiotics or you will lose health. If you have antibiotics in your inventory your character will use them automatically when needed. After you take antibiotics you are cured from infection. Antibiotics will appear at random locations in the map. Keep looking for it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consuming To survive you must consume water and food regularly. If you are infected you will also need antibiotics. Your character will automatically consume water, food and antibiotics when needed. Just make sure you have enough in your inventory. If you do not have enough of these goods then you will lose health over time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire A fire is the only way to heal yourself. Stand next to the fire and your health will slowly replenish. Get too close to the fire and you will get burned. You can make a fire using your inventory. You will need wood and a matchbox for this. Fire lasts only a couple of minutes. Be careful as certain predators are drawn towards fire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food You need to eat food regularly or you will lose health. If you have food in your inventory your character will eat automatically when needed. Food portions will appear at random locations in the map. Keep looking for it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goal Your goal is to survive 3 consecutive nights. One day-night-cycle in game takes 12 real-life minutes. That means it will take at least 24 to 36 minutes to win this map. Each player has his own nights-survived-counter. Every morning the names of all players and their number of nights survived will be announced. If you die your nights-survived-counter will be reset. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health You can lose healthpoints from evil zombie-attacks, starvation, infection, backstabbing survivors and many other threats. The only way to heal yourself is to make a fire and then stand next to it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infection If you are infected you will need antibiotics or you will lose health. If you have antibiotics in your inventory your character will take them automatically when needed. After taking them you are cured. You will get infected if you go too deep into the water. Also sometimes an infection will hit you randomly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory To open your inventory you must look down and hold down the tabulator-button. In your inventory you can see what items you carry and you can click on them to drop them. This way you can share items with other players. Note that you can only carry a certain ammount of items. The maximum is 4 bottles of water, 4 portions of food, 4 packages of antibiotics, 1 stash of wood and one matchbox. In your inventory you can also craft items if you have the required materials. Click on the crafting symbol to do so. For technical reasons only one player can use the inventory at the same time. To make sure the inventory does not get blocked by a single player it will close itself after 15 seconds and then you must wait a while before you can use it again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matchbox You can use a matchbox to make a fire. Matchboxes will appear at random locations in the map. Just keep looking for it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water You need to drink water regularly or you will lose health. If you have water in your inventory your character will drink automatically when needed. To fill up your water supplies just go to a river or a lake. When you refill you water be sure not to go too deep into the water or you might get infected. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons Weapons are very scarce. They will appear at random locations in the map. Use them wisely. Do not waste your ammo. If you go underground you might find better weapons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wood You can use wood to make a fire. Wood can be found at a wood-pile near one of the houses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zombies They are everywhere. There is no point in killing them. They just keep coming. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------