//TITLES FOR HALF-LIFE // Position command $position x y // x & y are from 0 to 1 to be screen resolution independent // -1 means center in each dimension // Effect command $effect // effect 0 is fade in/fade out // effect 1 is flickery credits // effect 2 is write out (training room) // effect -1 is print center (normal text in center of screen) // effect -2 is print notify (normal text in top left of screen) // effect -3 is print center (text piped straight into console) // effect -4 is print talk (normal text in lower middle of screen) // Text color r g b command $color // fadein time fadeout time / hold time // $fadein (message fade in time - per character in effect 2) // $fadeout (message fade out time) // $holdtime (stay on the screen for this long) // the only flags TFC uses are the effect value -4 through -1, for screen positions $effect 0 // other menu text Menu_OK { OK } Menu_Cancel { CANCEL } Menu_Spectate { SPECTATE } // Spectator Menu Spec_Mode1 { Locked Chase-Camera Mode } Spec_Mode2 { Free Chase-Camera Mode } Spec_Mode3 { Free Roaming Mode } Spec_NoTarget { No valid targets. Cannot switch to Chase-Camera Mode. } Spec_Help { ENTER to Play FIRE for Next Target ALT-FIRE for Prev Target JUMP to Change Modes } Spec_Help2 { Your text messages can only be seen by other Spectators } Spectators { Spectators } Unassigned { Unassigned } // Scoreboard TEAMS { TEAMS } PLAYERS { PLAYERS } CLASS { CLASS } HEALTH { HEALTH } SCORE { SCORE } DEATHS { DEATHS } LATENCY { LATENCY } VOICE { VOICE } //INTRO CREDITS // Test values -- JAY // Lower left $position 0.1 0.8 $effect 1 // Final fade-in color $color 128 128 128 // This is the highlight/flash color $color2 0 0 0 $fadein 1.5 $fadeout 0.5 $holdtime 1.2 CR1 { Ted Backman } CR2 { TK Backman } CR3 { Kelly Bailey } CR4 { Yahn Bernier } CR5 { Ken Birdwell } CR6 { Steve Bond } CR7 { Dario Casali } CR8 { John Cook } CR9 { Greg Coomer } CR10 { Wes Cumberland } CR11 { John Guthrie } CR12 { Mona Lisa Guthrie } CR13 { Mike Harrington } CR14 { Monica Harrington } CR15 { Brett Johnson } CR16 { Chuck Jones } CR17 { Marc Laidlaw } CR18 { Karen Laur } CR19 { Randy Lundeen } CR20 { Yatsze Mark } CR21 { Lisa Mennet } CR22 { Gabe Newell } CR23 { Dave Riller } CR24 { Aaron Stackpole } CR25 { Jay Stelly } CR26 { Harry Teasley } CR35 { Steve Theodore } CR36 { Bill Van Buren } CR37 { Robin Walker } CR38 { Douglas R. Wood } //END CREDITS $position -1 -1 $effect 0 // Final fade-in color $color 128 128 128 // This is the highlight/flash color $color2 0 0 0 $fadein 0.5 $fadeout 0.5 $holdtime 4 VALVEIS { Valve is: } END1 { Ted Backman TK Backman Kelly Bailey Yahn Bernier Ken Birdwell Steve Bond Dario Casali John Cook Greg Coomer Wes Cumberland } END2 { John Guthrie Mona Lisa Guthrie Mike Harrington Monica Harrington Brett Johnson Chuck Jones Marc Laidlaw Karen Laur Randy Lundeen Yatsze Mark } END3 { Lisa Mennet Gabe Newell Dave Riller Aaron Stackpole Jay Stelly Harry Teasley Steve Theodore Bill Van Buren Robin Walker Douglas R. Wood } //INTRO TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.5 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 CR28 { SUBJECT: Gordon Freeman Male, age 27 } CR29 { EDUCATION: Ph.D., MIT, Theoretical Physics } CR30 { POSITION: Research Associate } CR31 { ASSIGNMENT: Anomalous Materials Laboratory } CR32 { CLEARANCE: Level 3 } CR33 { ADMINISTRATIVE SPONSOR: Classified } CR34 { DISASTER RESPONSE PRIORITY: Discretionary } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 GAMEOVER { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: EVALUATION TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject failed to effectively utilize human assets in achievement of goal. } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 TRAITOR { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: HIRED AWAITING ASSIGNMENT } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 LOSER { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: OBSERVATION TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject declined offer of employment. } //CHAPTER TITLES $fadein 0.01 $position -1 0.4 $holdtime 3.5 T0A0TITLE { HAZARD COURSE } $position -1 0.65 OPENTITLE3 { Welcome to Sven Co-op Half-Life } OPENTITLE4 { Welcome to Sven Co-op Half-Life } C0A0TITLE { BLACK MESA INBOUND } C0A1TITLE { ANOMALOUS MATERIALS } C1A1TITLE { UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES } C1A2TITLE { OFFICE COMPLEX } C1A3TITLE { "WE'VE GOT HOSTILES" } C1A4TITLE { BLAST PIT } C2A1TITLE { POWER UP } C2A2TITLE { ON A RAIL } C2A3TITLE { APPREHENSION } C2A4TITLE1 { RESIDUE PROCESSING } C2A4TITLE2 { QUESTIONABLE ETHICS } C2A5TITLE { SURFACE TENSION } C3A1TITLE { "FORGET ABOUT FREEMAN!" } C3A2TITLE { LAMBDA CORE } C4A1TITLE { XEN } C4A1ATITLE { INTERLOPER } C4A2TITLE { GONARCH'S LAIR } C4A3TITLE { NIHILANTH } C5TITLE { ENDGAME } // In-Game messages $position -1 0.65 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 2.0 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 0.5 GAMESAVED { Saved... } // Game title // This is a placeholder to hold the effects controls for the "Half-Life" title $position -1 -1 // Only effect 0 is supported for game title $effect 0 // This is the final color $color 180 180 180 // Not used color2 $color2 0 0 0 // This is the time it takes to fade in the title $fadein 1.0 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.0 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 GAMETITLE { Sven Co-op } //SVENCOOP TEXT // Test values -- JAY $position -1 0.65 // Scan-out text effect $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 220 220 220 // This is the highlight color $color2 250 250 250 $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.5 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 4 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 $position -1 0.9 TOR1 { Tor: "Tor been waiting. Come!" } TOR2 { Tor: "Master want this. You get. Bring here." } TOR3 { Tor: "Tor eat now." } TOR4 { Tor think: humans die now. Master say "No". Tor like not. } TOR22 { Tor: Master say: Humans wait here... minute... Master open door soon, so humans stop power. } CHUBBY1 { Chubby: "HELP!" } FRIENDLYGRUNT1 { Grunt: Hey! I don't know who you are, but I'm glad you showed up. I can get you through this door if you want... You'd better stand back, this area's supposed to be sealed off. } // Test values -- JAY $position -1 -1 SVENCONT1 { To Be Continued... } // Scan-out text effect $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 255 0 0 // This is the highlight color $color2 255 50 50 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.005 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.5 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 11 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 SVENCOOPONE { Warning: The following map, "SvenCoop 1", contains scenes of graphic strangeness and map design that may cause eye-pain and/or severe headaches. We advise discretion. SvenCoop is completely and utterly fictional. Any similarities to ANYTHING that could POSSIBLY exist in reality is entirely accidental. Please visit the Official SvenCo-op site at: http://www.svencoop.com } SVENCOOPTWO { If you know the Chubby-Code, enter it and press the "Start" button. If you don't know the code, just press Start. } // another1: added for several vgui menus Button_Votekick { Votekick } Button_Voteban { Voteban } Button_Votekill { Votekill } Button_Votemap { Votemap } Menu_Yes { Yes } Menu_No { No } Votemenu_Topcaption { Sven Co-op Vote Menu } Votemenu_Topnoplayer { No player selected! } Votemenu_Topnomap { No map selected! } // GUT REACTION TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.5 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 CORETITLE { INFESTED CORE } KDTITLE { WASTE TUNNELS } RCTITLE { REACTOR COMPLEX } starttitle { GUT REACTION } endtitle1 { SUBJECT: GORDON FREEMAN } //INTRO TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 6 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 3 endtitle2 { STATUS: MISSING IN ACTION? } //INTRO TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 4 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 credit1 { Concepted, Designed and Programmed by Tim Johnston (AKA Slingblade) } credit2 { Thanks to the following groups and their respective individuals } credit3 { id Software } credit4 { Valve Software } credit5 { The Halflife Editing Resource Center } credit6 { Planethalflife } credit7 { Wavelength } credit8 { The Halflife Workshop } credit9 { RUST } credit10 { All closet level designers who have created add-on levels for HL } credit11 { Nostromo and Zigzang for encouragement and beta testing } credit12 { To Be Continued... } intro1 { SUBJECT: GORDON FREEMAN } intro2 { STATUS: HIRED } $position -1 -1 $effect 2 $color 100 100 100 $color2 240 110 0 $fadein 0.01 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 3.5 $fadeout .5 core2access { MAINTENANCE HATCH TO REACTOR CORE #2 OPENED } poweron { POWER TO RESEARCH FACILITY HAS BEEN REESTABLISHED } poweron2 { LOCATE ENTRANCE TO WASTE TUNNELS } core1shutdowntitle { REACTOR CORE #1: SUCCESSFULLY SHUT DOWN } core1shutdowntitle2 { PROCEED TO REACTOR CORE #2... } $position -1 -1 $effect 2 $color 100 100 100 $color2 240 110 0 $fadein 0.01 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 4.5 $fadeout 1.5 intro3 { CONTINGENCIES FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION: COMPLETION OF OBJECTIVES ***MANDATORY*** } YOULOSE { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: ASSIGNMENT TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject did not protect medical staff member vital to gain access to test lab. } $position -1 -1 $effect 2 $color 100 100 100 $color2 240 110 0 $fadein 0.01 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 6.5 $fadeout 1.5 intro4 { OBJECTIVES: RESTORE POWER TO RESEARCH COMPLEX LOCATE ENTRANCE TO REACTOR COMPLEX VIA WASTE TUNNELS INITIATE CORE SHUT DOWN SEQUENCE: REACTORS 1 AND 2 } // // DELIVERANCE // $holdtime 5 THEEND { THE END } // Chapter Objectives $position -1 -1 $holdtime 5 DELIVER1OBJ { OBJECTIVE: Penetrate defensive systems and gain access to the Freight Facility. } DELIVER2OBJ { OBJECTIVE: Make your way to Central Command via the Freight Elevator and Freight Storage Facility. } DELIVER3OBJ { OBJECTIVE: Locate and free two scientists being held captive and escape together via elevator on opposite side of level. } DELIVER4OBJ { OBJECTIVE: Help the scientists start the portal generator. Once the portal is open, get them through it to safety and then make the jump yourself. } DELIVER5OBJ { OBJECTIVE: Get yourself and the scientists to the nearby landing pad. An Osprey is enroute to pick up the remaining troops. Take out the troops and get everyone onboard the aircraft. } INGAME4 { You have reached a fork in the road ... The path before you goes to the left and to the right. Choose your destiny ... } INGAME5 { Scientist 1 Rescued! } INGAME6 { Scientist 2 Rescued! } INGAME7 { You have found the Security Card! } INGAME8 { Security Card Not Valid for this Door } INGAME9 { Access Permitted with Security Card } // Opposing Force //INTRO TITLES $position -1 -1 $effect 2 $color 100 100 100 $color2 240 110 0 $fadein 0.01 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 3.5 $fadeout 1.5 CR27 { Black Mesa Research Facility Black Mesa, New Mexico } //INTRO CREDITS $position 0.8 0.8 $effect 1 $color 128 128 128 $color2 0 0 0 $fadein 1 $fadeout 1.5 $holdtime 1 //edited CR# OFCR1 { Stephen Bahl } OFCR2 { Patrick Deupree } OFCR3 { John Faulkenbury } OFCR4 { Rob Heironimus } OFCR5 { Steve Jones } OFCR6 { Brian Martel } OFCR7 { David Mertz } OFCR8 { Landon Montgomery } OFCR9 { Tollbooth Willy } OFCR10 { Randy Pitchford } OFCR11 { Sean Reardon } OFCR12 { Mike Wardwell } //END CREDITS $position -1 -1 $effect 0 $color 128 128 128 $color2 0 0 0 $fadein 0.5 $fadeout 0.5 $holdtime 4 GEARBOXIS { Gearbox is: } THANKSTO { Special thanks to: } $holdtime 10 //self credit at end SELF { Svencoop Opposing-force editor: Guardian-tpf- jasonleyva@gmail.com Edman747 } THEEND { Thanks for Playing! } //Svencoop Credit SVEN { Special thanks to the SvenCo-op team! } //edited END1 OFEND1 { Stephen Bahl Patrick Deupree John Faulkenbury Rob Heironimus Steve Jones Brian Martel David Mertz Landon Montgomery Randy Pitchford Sean Reardon Mike Wardwell } //edited END2 OFEND2 { Matt Armstrong Kristy Junio Joe Kennebec Doug Lombardi Eli Luna Gabe Newell Frank Nuccio Genevieve Ostergard Stephen Palmer Jeff Pobst } //edited END3 OFEND3 { Dustin Porter Danny Richardson Harry S. Robins David Sawyer John Shaffstall Mike Shapiro Jon St. John Valve Software Sierra Studios } //INTRO TITLES $position -1 -1 $effect 2 $color 100 100 100 $color2 0 250 0 $fadein 0.01 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 4 $fadeout 1.5 OF0A0TITLE { HALF-LIFE OPPOSING FORCE CO-OP } //edited CR28 OFCR28 { SUBJECT: Adrian Shephard Male, age 22 } //edited CR29 OFCR29 { TRAINING: United States Marine Corps, Special Forces } //edited CR30 OFCR30 { RANK: Corporal } //edited CR31 OFCR31 { Commanding Officer: Sergeant Dwight T. Barnes } //edited CR32 OFCR32 { CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Hazardous Environment Combat Unit Santego Military Base, Arizona } //edited CR33 OFCR33 { MISSION: Classified } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 GFOLLOW_LOSER { SUBJECT: SHEPHARD STATUS: EVALUATION TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject attempted to create temporal paradox. } //edited game over $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 OFGAMEOVER2 { SUBJECT: SHEPHARD STATUS: DETAINED FURTHER EVALUATION PENDING } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 BC_FAILURE { SUBJECT: SHEPHARD STATUS: AWAITING COURT MARTIAL } //edited traitor $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 OFTRAITOR { x } //edited loser $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 LOSER { x } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 OFGAMEOVER { SUBJECT: CPL. SHEPHARD STATUS: EVALUATION DECLINED POSTMORTEM: Subject failed to effectively utilize human assets in achievement of goal. } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 DISP_LOSER { SUBJECT: SHEPHARD STATUS: ACCIDENTAL DEATH POSTMORTEM: DISPLACER SELF-TELEPORT MISHAP } //CHAPTER TITLES $fadein 0.01 $position -1 0.8 $holdtime 3.5 OF_BOOT0TITLE { Boot Camp } OF0A0 { OPPOSING FORCE } OF1A1TITLE { INCOMING } OF1A3TITLE { WELCOME TO BLACK MESA } OF1A5TITLE { "WE ARE PULLING OUT" } OF2A1TITLE { MISSING IN ACTION } OF2A4TITLE { FRIENDLY FIRE } OF3A1TITLE { WE ARE NOT ALONE } OF3A3TITLE { CRUSH DEPTH } OF4A1TITLE { VICARIOUS REALITY } OF4A4TITLE { PIT WORM'S NEST } OF5A1TITLE { FOXTROT UNIFORM } OF6A1TITLE { "THE PACKAGE" } OF6A4TITLE { WORLDS COLLIDE } OF7A0TITLE { CONCLUSION } // In-Game messages $position -1 0.65 $effect 2 $color 100 100 100 $color2 240 110 0 $fadein 0.01 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 2.0 $fadeout 0.5 // Game title $position -1 -1 $effect 0 $color 180 180 180 $color2 0 0 0 $fadein 1.0 $holdtime 3.0 $fadeout 1.5 //edited game title OFGAMETITLE { Sven Co-op: Opposing Force //Half-Life Demo text. } DEMOTXT1 { SUBJECT: GORDON FREEMAN, Ph.D. } DEMOTXT2 { CURRENT LOCATION: LAMBDA REACTOR COMPLEX BLACK MESA RESEARCH FACILITY } DEMOTXT3 { TIME: CONTAINMENT FAILURE + 48.00 HRS } DEMOTXT4 { STATUS: EVALUATION IN PROGRESS } $holdtime 7.5 DEMOTXT6 { CURRENT EVALUATION: UPLINK COMPLETED. } DEMOTXT7 { REQUIRE FURTHER DATA. } //Blue Shift holdtime 6.5 BSTITLE { Half-Life: Blue Shift } //INTRO TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.5 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.3 BAINTRO1 { SUBJECT: B. Calhoun } BACR29 { EDUCATION: 2 years Martinson College Undecided Major } BACR30 { EMPLOYER: Black Mesa Research Facility } BACR31 { POSITION: Security Officer } BACR32 { ASSIGNMENT: Area 3 Security } BACR33 { CLEARANCE: Level 3 } BACR34 { DISASTER RESPONSE PRIORITY: Preservation of facility equipment and materials. } BACR35 { SECONDARY PRIORITY: Welfare of research personnel. } BACR36 { LOW PRIORITY: Personal safety. } // CHAPTER TITLES $fadein 0.01 $position -1 0.4 $holdtime 4 $position -1 0.65 BA_TRAMTITLE { LIVING QUARTERS OUTBOUND } BA_SECURITYTITLE { INSECURITY } BA_CANALSTITLE { DUTY CALLS } BA_YARDTITLE { CAPTIVE FREIGHT } BA_XENTITLE { FOCAL POINT } BA_POWERTITLE { POWER STRUGGLE } BA_TELEPORTTITLE { A LEAP OF FAITH } $fadein 0.04 $holdtime 2 CHUMTOAD { CHUMTOAD'S LAIR }