1 Fort, a CTF map by Salty Justice Two teams occupy the same fort, each vying for the others flag. Break into your opponents base and steal the flag. Bring it to your basement to score 10 points. CHANGES IN REVISED VERSION: Ladder has been moved away from pop machines, now couch at back wall More Boxes added Rampway has been changed to a staircase The Generator look much better and makes sounds Signs abound All major light glitches were fixed, that I know of... The sky error has been fixed for certain software settings The ceiling texture looks MUCH better Some minor texture errors corrected No dip in the long back hallway(caused slowdown) Text glitch also fixed New massive back hall/water zone The yard has better entrances Play Notes: Touch the pop machines to restore all HP and Armour The capture point is directly beneath the flag There are grenade restocks near the pop machines There is no sniper nest The Generator room in the basement contains a detpack objective, blow the generator to send an explosive shockwave through the flag room, which will cause amazing damage and score you 5 frags. Everything in or near the flag room will be vaporized within 5 seconds of blowing the generator. Activate the stereos to hear tunes! W00t! This map created by [SoD]Salty Justice Another map brought to you by the [*JC*] clan Send comments or suggestions to saltyjustice@hotmail.com To make an ass of yourself send hate mail to saltyjustice@hotmail.com Why not visit the Clan JC homepages? www.angelfire.com/ca5/puppy/TFC/TFCjus.html Or visit area51live.com and piss me off there Music for the spawns is Crateria, Maridia, and Toxic Seahorse. Drive Safely Remember to put litter in its place Big thanks go out to: Area51Live.com Et.Uberchief [H-18]Chad [HID]SWAT Crimson Justice Everyone who bothered to playtest