* Map Information * Title : 1 Fort TFC Filename : 1forttfc.bsp Author : Ringo Tragedy Email address : rotorstudios@excite.com Description : Two team King of the Hill, made for smaller groups 2-6 players. Special Thanks : David Sawyer for the TFC goal prefabs. Chrome Sync, Stull, Overlord and Gonzo for testing and suggestions. Files : 1forttfc.bsp - Map File 1forttfc.txt - Map Intro Instruction text 1forttfc2.txt - This file Installation Instrucitons: place the files, 1forttfc.bsp and 1forttfc.txt into your \Half-Life\tfc\maps directory. Additional Information: Although this level is meant for smaller groups, I may expand it into a larger version in the future. I'm also considering a 4 team version. The bridges on the upper level can be blown by a detpack, making it difficult to attack from the towers. * Copyright / Permissions etc* You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. If you wish to distribute this file in any other form, please contact the author.