BigDee TFC Map Doc Author: Darren "BigDaz" Lusty Email: Title: BigDee Filename: bigdee.bsp Based on the 2Fort map so it's capture the flag in the most basic sense. 2 Teams - Red and Blue. All classes available. 10 points for each capture. Recommended Number of Players = 12 -> 18 ---------------------------------- Additional Playing Information: Engineers CANNOT build in bases except for the sniper deck. (You can build outside and under water) There are NO health kits in your base so at least 1 team medic is a good idea. There are however, medikits in the enemy flagroom you can use. ---------------------------------- Installation: copy bigdee.bsp to ...Half-Life/tfc/maps copy bigdee.txt to ...Half-Life/tfc/maps copy BigDRead.txt to anywhere No custom files but you must have at least version of Half-Life for it to run properly. Any installation troubles, give me an buzz. ---------------------------------- Editor: Worldcraft 2.1 Build Time: About 3 weeks on and off. Render Time: About 45 mins on PII 266 128MB RAM (full vis and rad) Speeds: The average r_speed is about 300 which is good. Can top 700 in the right (wrong?) place. ----------------------------------- At last I've finally finished a map! This is not my first map by a long shot, but it's the only one that I could be arsed to finish. Hope ya like it. Thanks to Andy, and all the guys and gals on Sierra's Team Fortress forum. And to me, myself and I. Look out for Team Fortress 2 maps by me when it's released. Can't wait :) Want to collaborate on a map, or ask me about this map, send me an email. ---------------------------------- You may distribute this map anyway you can think of, as long as this text file remains with it, unchanged. Stick on a CD, website, whatever. We want someone to play against right? ---------------------------------- -- BigDaz - Darren Lusty April 2000