___/DyingToClimb\___ ***General Creation Stats*** This map took 5.34 minutes to compile with full RAD and VIS. The size of the map is a small meg. I started the map February 11th, 2005. The releasdate of this map was July 5th, 2005. It took me so long because I didn't do a lot on it at one time and because it is my first map. ***Map Tips*** Everything is possible. There is NO strafe jump skill needed for this map. Only one wall strafe jump. The 1st elevator LOOKS impossible because OR you can't get on OR you die. It really is possible :), just practice, and a tip. Jump when the elevator is UP. When you finish the map you get a real 1337 crown. ***Thanks*** I would like to thank all beta testers. Also i would really like to thank [FM]WaTcH AKA [FM]Watchout, Teh and [FM]J4FF4 and Matt-MPG for helping me with the map. Ofcourse I also like to thank everyone I forgot. And much thanks to all people of Feckinmad and #[FM] on Quakenet. ***Map By*** This map had been made by Christiaan Widdershoven AKA DyingToLive. It's made in Holland. ___\DyingToClimb/___