Ez_Quad - The Euroskillz quad map Made by: Renegade Jump ideas: Renegade diablo' MrWhite n3c 6 Jumps Ranging from hard to f**king insane This map is the quadjumping sequel to conc_ez! Team 2 is for concing and has team specific conc restocks throughtout the jumps, that doesn't however mean that it is in anyway designed to be possible for concers. All jumps are no nade apart from the last jump which has 4 nades only, thank diablo for them! Beta Testing: Renegade Crusher^vi Lt.Llama n3c [ConC]Base_Jaxx[KuH] diablo' MrWhite Simbian-Mc- ^crazy Special Thanks: Lt.Llama for Euroskillz, mapping help and his infinite wisedom :P Simbian-Mc- for being a mapping legend and one of the nicest guys ever! <3 n3c for drawing secrets into his jump ideas LOL! diablo' cos he persuaded me into actually making this map :) Happy Concing ... hmm :S [ConC]Renegade-u|c-|Ap|-zG-