Fishburgers **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** 1:47 p.m. July 8, 2001 ================================================================ Title : Fishburgers Filename : Fishburgers.bsp Author : [United]Brandyfire Email Address : URL : / Description : Team Fortress Classic map Number of Teams : 4 Recommended # of Players: 4-24 ================================================================ New Textures : Yes New Sounds : Yes New models : Yes Editor used : Worldcraft 3.3 Other utilities used : Paint Shop Pro 7, Zoners hltools, pkexplr, sprview Build machine: 450 P3 448MB ram Build time: 9 weeks Compile times HLCSG: 125.18 seconds HLBSP: 37.51 seconds HLVIS :18016.71 seconds [5h 0m 16s] HLRAD: 1350.89 seconds [22m 30s] Check out the Half-Life Editing Resource Center for all your mapping needs: ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: fishburgers.bsp goes in your Half-Life/Tfc/Maps folder cust1.WAD goes in your Half-Life/Tfc folder bass1.wav goes in your Half-Life/tfc/sounds folder bpack1.mdl goes in your Half-Life/tfc/models folder ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: The only object of this map is to have fun. And don't forget to look around real good, there are some hiddin passageways and some kool guns to shoot. ================================================================ OTHER INFORMATION: I would appreciate any comments on this map that you may have, whether it be good or bad. Question: Why did you name the map fishburgers, are you trying to copy Turkeyburgers? Answer:I named it Fishburgers cause i couldn't think of any thing else, and since it was inspired from Turkeyburgers, I said what the hell. My opinion is that it's a little better than Turkeyburgers, or any other map like this out there, except maybee for some of the Rats maps. ================================================================ BUGS: No known bugs. ================================================================ THANKS TO: All the guys on the HLERC site for such great tutorials and help guides. All the people at the TFC forums for such support and help, and would especially like to thank sbee, Merlins cat and Mithodial for there expert advise and help without being a smart a$$ like some people are. and thanks to the following for some great prefabs: Daniel Learmonth = = some of the bathroom accesories. Slasher = = most of the bedroom furniture Don Valentine = = the awesome coffe table and a few other people that did not leave any info with there prefabs. ALSO, if you like the Stereo in the map, i will make a prefab of it and give it to you. ================================================================ MY GOAL: To obtain world domination, hehe, just kidding, really it is to become as good a map maker as possible so that we can all keep tfc alive and kicking. ================================================================ >>>COPYRIGHT INFORMATION<<< "Fishburgers" is Copyright of Brandyfire Productions 2001 You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without my permission. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any other way without my permission. ================================================================