================================================================================ * LEVEL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Flashpoint FILENAME : Flashpoint.bsp/.txt AUTHOR : Sean Cavanaugh aka Zoner DATE : June 29 1999 GAME : Half-Life TYPE : Team Fortress Classic EMAIL ADDRESS : seancavanaugh@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Territorial Control meets King-of-the-Hill. Main Objective: * Take command of all 5 command points. * Activate fusion reactor via the 3 power stations surrounding the reactor. * When all 5 command points are the same color, and the reactor is online, the controlling team takes control of the reactor complex and must defend it. Defender Objectives: * Prevent the attacking team from destroying all 3 power stations. * Repair the power stations if they become damaged. * If all 3 power stations are incapacitated, you have 15 seconds to restore one before the reactor goes critical. Attacker objectives: * Send demomen down to the power stations and detpack them. * Prevent the defending team from making repairs. * Steal the power relays to hinder repair progress. Additional Notes: * Defending team will spawn throughout the reactor complex, and occasionally in their original starting area. * Defending team gains additional beams which block off some of the map (and most of the equipment inside the complex) * Power relays are neutral and can be picked up by anyone. i.e. the attacking team should steal them, the defending team should hoard them. * The reactor can be activated (and subsequently) destroyed at any time. Locking down the complex is not a prerequisite for the destruction of the reactor. * Once the complex is locked to a team, flags cannot be run. * The detpack shaped items in the outdoor ammo bunkers will replenish detpacks, and grenades. Only demomen can pick them up. Scoring: * 5 Team points and 2 personal frags are awarded when a command point is secured. * Each secured command point generates 1 team point for each minute it is under control. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAMS : 2 Teams BLUE SPAWNPOINTS : 24 (Blue Base) 14(in defender mode) RED SPAWNPOINTS : 24 (Red Base) 14(in defender mode) SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : 16+ NEW TEXTURES : Yes (~500k worth) NEW SOUNDS : No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : New Map PREFABS USED : None EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcraft 2.1 OTHER UTILITIES USED : Zoners Halflife Tools 1.1 KNOWN BUGS : * env_sound is flaky and sometimes stops working entirely until a map change. * Sometimes get stuck on the large lifts when moving up (crouching always unsticks in testing) * Sometimes the xen texture in the reactor flies by like its animated (in hardware 3d accel cards). COMPILE MACHINE : Dual Celeron 300a(@450mhz) 384mb ECC SDRAM Windows NT 4.0 sp5 QCSG TIME : 75 seconds QBSP2 TIME : 147 seconds VIS TIME : 342 seconds QRAD TIME : 1801 seconds (-extra -chop 80 -bounce 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CREDITS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- autolycus : For dealing with thousands of TFC FGD updates ================================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. The map source (.rmf) is available upon request. It will not compile with the stock compile tools from Valve. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM. This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in any way without my written permission. Half-Life (C) 1998-99 Sierra On-line and Valve L.L.C. All rights reserved. [END OF DATA]=========================================================[.txt|Gen] This map is Y2k compliant.