Info_beta TFC map submittal ................................................ This is a beta version of TFC map being released for testing and feedback. I ask that you do not redistribute this map, or steal any of my ideas. Although it is OK to be inspired by. Please submit and comments on map to info_beta forum. ------------------------------------------------- Map name: Midnight Mass Author:Locknut Version #:7 -Final beta (I hope) :) Fixed the few minor bugs that were uncovered during the last playtest. Date submitted: 02/06/00 Custom Files: None, the custom textures are compiled into the map Comments: Any suggestions or ideas are welcome. Map Information: Hunted style map in a monastery that has been converted into a military outpost. No real background story as of yet, just try and kill or protect the hunted. The exit is located behind the chapel. The hunted has to hit a hidden switch in the pulpit to open the doors. (just stand facing the podium and hit the use key) Move quickly once you press the button, the doors will close after a few moments. Snipers can open any door, except for the doors to the bodyguard respawn area and the exit doors. The bodyguards can only open the doors to their respawn area and the toolshed on the side of the chapel. Bodyguards cannot go into the sniper areas through the open windows, they will die. (you have to rocket jump up to these anyways so you won't just stumble into one.) You can climb on top of the blue/metal roofed buildings, but the red tile roofs are off limits, except for a portion of the chapel's roof.