================================================================ Title : *AKA* Super Soldier Death Match Date : December 27, 2001 Filename : akass_dm.bsp Author : David Brent *AKA*GenBowl Email Address : davidbb@mindless.com Home Page : http://classicaka.com/ Description : Map made from scratch for the awsome guild *AKA* This is a idea remake of the map mulch_dm. This map was constructed from the ground up, and is not a copy of the original map. Only the ideas and some texture schemed were used. Bascially this is much like muclh_dm were you have 1vs1 battles inside a small room. Akass_dm includes 3 rooms instead of 2, and also has a more complex spec area for prez players to see from. Another addition are the ready buttons, located above the opposing teams door. These will tell everyone you are ready for battle in that room, so they can come find you. Also works as a ready signal to other players (alternative to jumping or shooting in the air). Additional Credits : 1. Classic*AKA* (http://classicaka.com/) and all of it's staff, for keeping up the kick ass game servers for so long! 2. All of whom have helped in anyway during the making of this map, especially those who gave ideas and map names. 3. Valve software for making this great game. ================================================================ * Play Information * --------------------------- Single Player : No Deathmatch : No Team Fortress : Yes Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * ------------------------ Base : Ideas from mulch_dm, but all construction is unique. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 3.3 Known Issues : You can set off the ready button with a misplaced shot or a gernade going off to close to the doors. Since the button is activated when shot, anything exploding near it will set it off. Also, seems to be an error with lighting, which created dark spots on the upper outside base mantle. These are only eye soars if you catch it. Total Compile Time : 7 minutes Compile machine : PIII 700mhz 256MB RAM DS III S540 32MB QCSG Time : 2 seconds QBSP Time : 3 seconds QVIS Time (full) : 12 seconds QRAD Time (extra) : 6 minutes * Permissions * ----------------------- No selling this map for money! I know you want to whore my map, but I just don't like my maps whored! Free distribution online is fine as long I get credited for the map. Please email me if you do share this map or any of the zip contents online. You MAY NOT alter or add on to this level AT ALL, find someone else to whore from. E-mail me your thoughts on my level. Whats good, whats bad etc. I love feedback, it keeps me going! ================================================================