Alliance - 4Team Capture the Flag map by (rogue)Doughnut-4|4- c.2005 sky texturing by the Mighty Pete ROGUE MAPPING GUILD Installation guide: Install the zip into\team fortress classic folder and everything should fall into place! For reference purposes or self installation: .com\team fortress classic\tfc\maps alliance.bsp alliance README.txt alliance.txt alliance.rmf .com\team fortress classic\tfc\gfx\env trueblue256_ft etc. Special thx to: (deep breathe) My Hero |RE|THE_BOMB(NiX) Clans that gave me a chance: UAF, NiX, SKS, IOD, eXeL, tmp, 4|4 Experienced Mappers who answered my tedious questions: Mulchman, TyrantII and everyone @ #iNvasionWorks Also thanks to: Silkk, Dogfighter, LadyM (and BabyM), Roxx, Gh0st, Ultima, AssMongrel, DK, FadetoBlah, Poly, Pant, Vio, jigga, SC, skewy, Zues, SatansWill, iabd, gator, BlaZe, Clue, Sinister, AW, evil and baby evil, Bang, Primus, Player, Steel Python, Slayer, DM, Recoil, LightBandit, SV, Army, Incursion, Llamo, CoDe, Juda, X-Rated, Ruiner, Phaelinx, We$iDe, NyTeMaRe, Smasher, FRA, Thrik, Thunder, and everyone else i'm forgetting! Contacts: My AIM name is the most consistant way to get in touch with me: "StarFoxMcCloud" webbie: Other Map titles: 2plaza_r Adobefort arena_dm3 Babel Bonsai Castello ChooChoo_l DoughsEngyJump_r Gael Kingdom_r2 Peak Rescue Rook Super_Soccer_Concer Volleyball waterwheel_l waterwheel5v5_l History: I haven't even played TFC in months but this map idea had been tickling me for years and I finally got around to it. The original idea was to have your base, an enemy base, an allied base, and a neutral base. While efforts were to attack your enemy base, I wanted to give a small reward if anyone decided to help their allie. But of course I had to take into consideration that morons would just go out there and kill everything they saw... which is fine... if you're a moron. I considered making it impossible for Blue and Green allies to harm eachother but then I realized this would cause an over-whelming alliance and slaughter if Red and Yellow weren't ready for an enemy with teamwork. Also by leaving the "open fire" rule into effect with the four teams, you could even just play with three teams if the 3rd team cared nothing about caps and just wanted to kill everyone else. I had also considered making every flag capturable so that you could even backstab your allie for a few miniscul points, but I decided to abandon this idea due to chaos theory. The map theme is very basic. I've used similar architecture on many other maps. The sniper tower, the det in the flagroom, and the skylight were all after thoughts as well as the catwalks in the mainroom. Every map is a progression though which changes as its built. Very few maps are design to completion before the pen hits the paper.