auto_soccer created by 'auto! hf' using Quark 6.4.0alpha3 build. crowd textures, field textures, skybox, and crowd sounds are taken from the half-life mod international online soccer ( special thanks to: discord, cid, trance, astro, the rest of auto!, dp, and mayfield for playtesting. scoreboard can be changed manually as the green team by shooting the buttons to change the numbers. the buttons are as follows: [H7][H6][H5][H4][H3][H2][H1][H0] [A0][A1][A2][A3][A4][A5][A6][A7] in order to change a number, you must first deactivate the current score by shooting the button and then activate the score you want by shooting the appropriate button. i.e. if you want to change the score from 0 to 1, you must first shoot 0, and then shoot 1. then if you wanted to change it from 1 to 2, you must first shoot 1, then shoot 2. the files go in the following folders: bsp and txts -> /tfc/maps wad -> /tfc all tga files -> /tfc/gfx/env both wav files -> /tfc/sound/auto *CREATE A FOLDER IN SOUND CALLED auto AND PUT THE WAV FILES THERE if you have any questions feel free to contact hf in #automatica on or email him at