[WTF?] Defrag [DW] |404| - bases8v8.bsp **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** 11/05/2002 ================================================================ Title : Bases8v8 Filename : bases8v8.bsp Author : Mark Simpson (Defrag) - A small update to bases2k1 for 8v8 leagueplay. Email Address : general_george_oj@yahoo.com Description : TeamFortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 12-16 ================================================================ New Textures : none New Sounds : none New Sky : yes Base : bases2k1 Editor used : Worldcraft 3.3 Build time : A few hours (tweaks) ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: Unzip the .bsp file to the sierra/half-life/tfc/maps directory Unzip the .tga files to your sieraa/half-life/tfc/gfx/env/ directory If you have Oppose2k1 by deride then you already have the sky installed and don't need to install it again. ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: Storm the enemy flag room and steal their flag, capture it on the battlements of your base. 15 points per capture, 10 personal frags per capture. Alternative goal: Detpack the computer in the FR for 5 team points + 5 frags. ================================================================ Changes since last release: - Added 3d logo (only took 5 mins :D ) - engy's cell bag is now team only and gives 100 cells every 30 seconds to help with sg construction. - Unfortunate water entrance bug has arisen. I've not changed the map at all, I expect it's a fgd / game patch that's done it... you stop about 2/3 of the way up the tunnel which means attacking via water takes a few seconds longer - Nogren entities added to RR ceiling. It is now IMPOSSIBLE to nailgren exploit the FR defence. EMPing should now be so difficult it's a waste of time even trying. - The no gren ents come quite low down but shouldn't disrupt gameplay or stop legit grenades. - respawn pads now are twice as fast, should mean multiple people can restock at once. - Lighting changed in certain areas (dimmer to encourage spies) - I lost my lights.rad file and only had an ancient backup so certain lighting areas are different, took me ages to get the glow of the water anything like as nice as it was in 2k1. Not very noticeable anyway... took long enough though :P - update - got it perfect again :) - Textures changed in a few obscure areas. - Signs added to point towards battlements - grenades reduced to 1/1 per pack to reduce spammage! - red lights replaced with blue in the blue base :P - vent narrowed from last beta, but still wider than 2k1 - yadda yadda ================================================================ Previous beta changes: Please read this first! This update is being made because I feel bases2k1 is NOT suited as well as it could be for 8v8 play, it seems to play nicely with 9 players but at present in 8v8 leagues, clans will use 5 D and 3 O on it, which can lead to boring games against solid defences. There is also a bit much spam for my liking so goodbye max gren bags! If clans use 5/3 on this then I give up trying :P This update is being targetted at 8v8 leagues, it goes back to the original bases design (no secret passage) however I did keep the other ladder up to the FR because it definitely adds something to proceedings. This map should also make a much better pub map than 2k1/2k2 because no one ever defends the secret passage on pubs meaning you get cricket scores (450-415 usually.... not fun) ================================================================ Notes: R_speeds fine Nailgren bug is toast, kudos to [-RvR-]theNiggy for his suggestion which worked perfectly. This is not a rip of any kind (with regards to bases_r/r2) I fully remade the map and I have the permission of the bases_r2 author. This is getting confusing now. :) There was a map in QWTF called bases, which was ported to TFC (bases), then updated (bases_r), then updated by a different author (bases_r2) which was then remade about 18 months later by me (bases2k1) which wasn't ideally suited for 8v8 leagueplay in europe, so I decided to make bases8v8 :) *phew* If your league uses bases2k1 and 8v8 then this map is intended for YOU! If your league uses bases2k1 and 9v9 then you might be better sticking with the original or changing to bases2k2. Please send all comments to either defrag@digwar.com or post on the http://digwar.com / http://clan404.com forums :) Thanks ================================================================ THANKS TO: The authors of the maps: QWTF bases TFC Bases_r TFC Bases_r2 [WTF?]MoOg for the great sky! (I couldn't find a more moody atmospheric night sky anywhere ;) [WTF?] [DW] |404| [CSI] [MUF] for playtesting with me, thanks guys :D Other credits to: Georgie : ran it on the MUF server and didn't kick me in the nuts for a few hours of boring testing. Octane : ran it on the CSI server with some CSI guys, thanks! PainZernat0r: helping me with this release and running it on the 187 server TheNiggy: suggested how to implement anti-nailgren / EMP Testers (2k2 + 8v8): Ellybuns Wid Archerz Nest Najt Wiz DamagE Fragripper PainZerNatoR-ArGoS Spermy Biblious (sp? :P) Testers (2k1): Union Wonka Okpod Epoch Nada Fisich Chance Nest Scopes Fryguy Lou MoOg All of the catacombs posters who commented, all of the UKTFCL peeps who commented and all the WP peeps too. Too many people to mention :) THANKS PPL! Please send all comments to either defrag@digwar.com or post on the http://digwar.com / http://clan404.com forums :) Thanks ================================================================ >>>COPYRIGHT INFORMATION<<< blah blah blah don't rip off this update, of an update, of an update, of a conversion of a QWTF map. ;) If you want to put this on a CD coverdisk (like a bonus CD for a mag with extra maps) feel free but please notify me :). You may not distribute this zip unless the contents are exactly as you found them. You may not include this map for distrubution if the scheme is for financial gain. If I find this map on a "map CD" like some german company are doing atm (selling a CD of maps for £10 or so and making a profit where it's not theirs to sell) then you will be hearing from me. ================================================================