BETRAYED by Matthew Armstrong ================================================================ IMPORTANT #1: USE FOLDER DIRECTORIES WHEN UNZIPPING!!! It comes with a new skybox!!! IMPORTANT #2: BEFORE RUNNING MAP ON A SERVER, RUN THE SERVER SIZE BAT FILE TO ADJUST MAP SO IT WILL RUN CORRECTLY!!! DETAILS AT VERY BOTTOM OF THIS README!!! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS DOUBLE CLICK ON THE CORRECT BAT FILE AND YOU'RE DONE!!! ================================================================ **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** August 21, 1999 ================================================================ Title : Betrayed Filename : Author : Matthew Armstrong(HellFace) Email Address : Description : TeamFortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 4. 2 allied pairs of 2 teams. Recommended # of Players: 6-32 ================================================================ FILE LIST AND LOCATIONS: HALF-LIFE\TFC\MAPS: Betrayed.bsp, Betrayed info.txt, Betrayed.txt,,,, betrayed.lg, betraytn.txt, betraysm.txt, betraymd.txt, betraylg.txt, Betrayed tiny.bat, Betrayed small.bat, Betrayed medium.bat, Betrayed large.bat HALF-LIFE\TFC\GFX\ENV: moorbk.tga, moordn.tga, moorft.tga, moorlf,tga, moorrt.tga, moorup.tga; moorbk.bmp, moordn.bmp, moorft.bmp, moorlf.bmp, moorrt.bmp, moorup.bmp ================================================================ New Textures : Over 50 custom textures and a new skybox. New Sounds : no Editor used : Worldcraft 2.1 ================================================================ MASSIVE THANKS TO: Clan CdG and Clan PF for letting me use their servers for playtesting! And to all the playtesters! And extra thanks to Deadpool2 for the moving respawns idea, and Guido Jones and Ratchet for lower level testing. ================================================================ THE STORY SO FAR: We have Sniper Rifles. Our President gave a passionate speech. He said, "I am not your President! I am your partner! You are not my servants! You are MY FRIENDS! The war I ask you to fight brings great risks, but we will face those risks together. And when it is over it will bring even greater rewards, and we will reap those rewards TOGETHER! AS PARTNERS! AS FRIENDS!" And everyone cheered. We sold our winter food supply. We sold our tools and equipment used to keep our village in good repair. After all, we'd have far better food and equipment after the war. We sold our furniture. We sold all those things and we bought weapons. We bought Sniper Rifles. And we won the war. But it lasted long, and we ran out of food. The last of our furniture was burned for warmth in the winter. The last of our tools had fallen apart. But the war was won. We went to our President and said, "We have won! Please give us some of the rewards of victory as you promised so we can repair our town. The floods have damaged our bridge and killed our crops." He said to return home and wait. The rewards would come shortly. And we waited. And waited. Then we heard. He had used our food money. Our tool money. He had spent it on a truck. A bullet proof, bomb proof, missile proof tank disguised as a truck. All that we had fought and died for. Our children asked for toys. We should have toys for them to play with. But we don't have toys. We have sniper rifles. We should have beds to sleep in and tables to eat off of. But we have sniper rifles. We should have food for our friends and family. But we have sniper rifles. The president drove past town in his new armor plated truck. Towards the bridge out of town. We should have repaired that bridge with our tools. But we have sniper rifles. Then the God's of irony smile, and the bridge collapses under the weight of the armored truck. The front of his beloved vehicle is buried in the mud of our river. We should have the equipment to pull the truck free. But we have sniper rifles. Now the Betrayer stand outside the town of those he betrayed. Those who once loved him and now loathe him. The only safe place for him is the holy Mosque in the mountains behind the village. No one will dare harm him there. He knows that. We know that. But to reach the Mosque, he must pass through our village. It should be a simple, safe walk. A stroll through a village in his own country. He has his elite guard with him. We are merely a handful of angry villagers. It should be quiet. It should be safe. His elite guard should be able to protect him from a few farmers. We should be no threat to the Betrayer who walks among us... But we have Sniper Rifles. ================================================================ TEAMS: The Govenment: TEAM 1: The Hunted Dictator (1 civilian) TEAM 2: The Elite Guard (18 Medics, Soldiers, or HWguys) The Rebels: TEAM 3: The Rebel Assassins (5 snipers) TEAM 4: The Rebel Leader (1 demoman) ================================================================ BUILDING NAMES: THE ALLEY: This is the strip of buildings at the beginning of the map. THE VILLAGE: This is the main area. If you get lost, it will be here. THE VALLEY: The river valley. THE GUARDHOUSE: The building with the attached tower on the left as you enter the Alley. First building you pass. THE TOWER: The tall one. Right in the middle of the Alley. THE FOUNTAIN: The water fountain you see as you enter the Village. THE CLIMB: The path leading from the Village to the Mosque. THE FIRE THINGY: Named by Emily. Right before the Climb. THE GRAND HOUSE: That big blue building with the multiple balconies and the ledge around it in the Village. ================================================================ PLAY INFO: 1. The Dictator must get to the holy mosque. He must pass through the Outer Village, through the City Gates, through the Main Village, up the Climb, and into the Mosque. The assassins try to stop him. His bodyguards must help him arrive safely. If the Dictator makes it to the City Gates, ALL RESPAWNS ARE MOVED UP!!! This makes the City Gates a very important landmark. Teams 1 and 2 both recieve a point if he makes it to the City Gates. 2. The Rebel Leader is vital to the Rebels. He is the only Demoman in the map. His ammuntion is limited, but he can be very powerful. His death is devistating to the Rebels, however. If he dies, the Dictator and Guards get points and a health bonus, while the Assassins lose health. Survival is most important for this man. 3. Any door with a RED DOORMAT is a Rebel safehouse. Only Rebels may pass through these doors. 4. The Vent system can only be used by TEAM THREE! Not even the Rebel Leader may use this system of Vents! Learn and use them wisely, snipers. 5. Respawn points move the instant the hunted guy reaches the CITY GATES(across the stone bridge). Everything moves up a bit to keep the action alive and reduce the "catch up" problem when a guard respawns late in the game. This makes getting to the town gate a GOOD thing for the bodyguards and Dictator and a VERY BAD THING for the assassins. 6. The Mosque is the goal point. It's sanctuary. No one would dare kill anyone hiding in a holy place. Read your Hamlet. 7. There is a 15 second delay before the Dictator can move forward. There is NOTHING preventing the assassins from coming around the back using the water way, so watch your back. There is also nothing preventing the Dictator or his Guards moving early. Except it's much easier to kill a Dictator in the water. ================================================================ OTHER INFO: -Type one grenades can only be found in the resupply pack over the City Gates. -Respawn camping won't work. There are over 50 assassin respawn points, many in safehouses. -Yes, you can get into the safehouses. But you don't want to. It sucks in there. -Kamikazee snipers and demomen will likely get their asses handed to them. It's time to act like a REAL assassin and pick your shots. -Any of the three front entrances to the Mosque will work. There is no button to push or door to open. Just dive on in. ================================================================ UPDATES: August 19, 1999: A Half-Life patch forces me to change a single entity because it now crashes servers. It's a very small bug with the map that was previously a non-issue. Scoring was tweaked slightly. Now killing the dictator gives 6 points instead of 5. ================================================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================================================================ SERVER SIDE ENTITY PACKS: There are FOUR different entity packs avalable for this map. Each entity pack will custom fit the map to your server size. Before you put this map on your server BE SURE TO RUN THE APROPRIATE BAT FILE!!! The Default entity set is MEDIUM SERVER SIZE. You can change the server size at any time at all by running the apropriate bat file. All you have to do is DOUBLE CLICK on the correct BAT file in the HALF-LIFE\TFC\MAPS\ directory and it will set the map to run with the number of players you normally have on your server. If you have an 18 player server, RUN THE SMALL SERVER SETTINGS! Servers are never completely full, and this takes that into account. Even if completely full, it will not terribly unballance the map. The bat files are: Betrayed tiny.bat Betrayed small.bat Betrayed medium.bat Betrayed large.bat They define teams as follows: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TINY SERVER: 8 players(10 max) hunted: 1 Guards: 7 Snipers: 2 Leader: 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SMALL SERVER: 12 players(18 max) hunted: 1 Guards: 13 Snipers: 3 Leader: 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MEDIUM SERVER: 18 players (24 max) hunted: 1 Guards: 18 Snipers: 5 Leader: 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LARGE SERVER: 26 players (32 max) hunted: 1 Guards: 24 Snipers: 7 Leader: 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================================================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================================================================ >>>COPYRIGHT INFORMATION<<< BSP: BETRAYED is copyright 1999 Matthew Armstrong. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. TEXTURES: All Custom textures used in the map BETRAYED are copyright 1999 Matthew Armstrong. The custom textures included in this map MAY be used for any non-profit purpose you desire, including level design or web page backgrounds. They MAY NOT be used for any profit purposes in any way without my permission. ================================================================