Blue Fortress 2 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Objective: CTF Scoring: 10 point per cap Notes: This map is the second part of the first map bluefort, a attack and defend map. But this map was going to be the first, but bluefort was named first. And I think I like it better. Update: Added contol room to tell the defence to defend or go for the flag. Made by Deadmeat (Jim Delorme) email: This map was made with Value Hammer 2.4 and as u see I am still a mapping newbie but they are getting better. 8:18 PM 13/07/2004 Thanks to.. 69th Vlatitude HalfLifeMapping TFMapped The Snark Pit TWHL WorldCraft VERC Heather Hanson for the eye candy