Frobozz's 2Fort **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** June 04, 1999 ================================================================ Title : Frobozz's 2Fort Filename :, bozz.txt, bozz info.txt) Author : Bryan Schuler(Frobozz) Email Address : Description : TeamFortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 16-32 ================================================================ New Textures : none New Sounds : none Editor used : Worldcraft 2.1 ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: It is designed to unzip to the correct directories if you unzip into the Half-Life directory. bozz.bsp, bozz.txt, and bozz info.txt all go in Half-life/tfc/maps/ ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: This is a 2Fort variant with lots of fun for all. Each team must breach the defences of the other base, get to the tower, steal the key, take it to the flag room to unlock the flag chamber, and finally, steal the flag and return it to your battlements. Players and team get 3 points every time the enemy flag chamber is opened, and 10 for a successful capture. Other tricks in this map is a control room. Anyone sneaking into the enemy control room (especially spies!) can unlock the doors for their friends which not only provide access to a pack of ammo, but also a quick route into the enemy tower. In addition, if a demoman detpacks the enemy control room computers, it will open the flag chamber instantly without the need for the key, scoring him 10 points and the team 3. Other tricks for demomen are detpacking a boulder providing an alternate way into the enemy base (or re-causing a landslide to replace one already gone!) Plenty of platforms for engineers to build on and snipers to snipe from, plenty of access points into each base to keep chokepoints at a minimum (though there are plenty of highly defendable positions, with a little bit of teamwork, offensive teams can work out an alternate path around them.) ================================================================ FUTURE MODS: Perhaps discover new ways to cut the r_speeds down. They're a tad bit on the high side in some places for my taste. Trust me, I used every trick in the book that I know of for cutting them down... re-combined geometry, mitered corners, creatve func_wall use, no funky brush subtraction, 1-unit gaps in non-essential regions, and even a doughnut shaped hallway (ala Quake 1 tricks :) Perhaps cutting down on the amount of health available, thus making medics more of a team effort thing. Perhaps ripping out the env_sound entities. They don't seem to work so well, and players always seem to find ways to avoid them even though they're invisable and have the radius of god... ================================================================ >>>COPYRIGHT INFORMATION<<< Frobozz's 2Forts is copyright 1999 Bryan Schuler. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels unless they contact me first and get permission. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ================================================================