Castle Arrrrgh! By: John Fuller Aka: Drunken Gun, 007 Castleargh2 is the revision of the first, due to some comments. You'll find more textures, a slightly larger playing field, more points of interest, and the general absence of the previous bugs. There are a few little things like cracked walls and water errors, but I didn't see them as big enough to have to send this off to be compiled by a friend again. And for those who seem to think I failed in keeping blue from getting grenades on round 3 (THAT IS ON PURPOSE). They just have to work a little harder =). ----Description---- This is an attack/defend style map based in a medieval castle. It consists of 3 rounds that the attackers must capture, like the map Dustbowl. Simply unzip the castleargh2.bsp file to your half-life/tfc/maps directory and enjoy! ----Special Thanks to---- -[WTF?] Clan: For their masterpiece "maya", and it's help in my learning on how to build attack/defend maps. -3v | Smack: For his assistance in building the map (Again) -3v | Schrodinger's Cat: For his help with advice and testing of the map. -Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail: 'Nuff said. -Entire 3v Clan: Just for being there and supporting me! =)