_____ __ __ __ / ___/__ ___ / /_/ /__ __ _ ___ ____/ /____ / /__/ _ `(_- http://vibrants.dk/jchq/ Sky-Environment : Dashnight env map by Dash ----> http://www.planetquake.com/dash/ Added Sounds : (2) guilty.wav : http://www.allouttoons.com/familyguy llama.wav : http://www.winamp.com Prefabs : 4 valve prefabs (desk, couch, chairs)+ Catapult : by Gumby ----> http://www.brand15.freeserve.co.uk Torch : by Nick "Crinity" Coombe ----> http://www.planethalflife.com/crinity Base : New level from scratch Tools used : Valve Hammer Editor ..... Batch Compiler ..... Zoners Halflife tools ..... Paint Shop Pro ..... Wally ..... SprView Bugs/Problems/Issues : ..... high w_poly counts: ----> (goes over 800 at least 4 spots) ..... some brush alignment problems ..... respawns are cramped/small ..... unfound leaks = box around map :( ================================================================ 2. AUTHOR INFORMATION ================================================================ Author : Josh Latimore (Black Hand) Other Levels by Author : None - my first map :) Website : http://www.rit.edu/~jsl6906/maps Email Address : BHTG@thegreats.org AIM name : Hsoj25 ICQ no. : 103610867 Additional Credits To : Mathar for server use and much input ..... Pyrolover for server use ..... Milos for server use and input ..... Houk for many many great ideas ..... Iamgoodyy for all the suggestions+help ..... Homer for a nice little sig ..... -->http://www.homersigs.tripod.com ..... A Boojum Snark for some nice feedback ..... Doberman for server use and feedback ..... Mertz for theme inspiration + quotes ..... Godly,Achar,Shadow,Kilgore,Gohan,... ..... .. more I forgot.. ***** MOST IMPORTANT: YOU! for playing this map, Thanks! ================================================================ 3. MAP DESCRIPTION ================================================================ **** NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR ************************************** This is my first foray into mapping, no doubt it includes some newbie mistakes, but I must say that I have learned a lot from the process of creating this map, and no doubt would have done things much differently if I had known everything I know now when I started the map. Nonetheless I think that it can be a very fun and engaging map, and hopefully you will think so too. I encourage you to send me feedback or to get in touch with me somehow to give me your ideas / complaints / suggestions / whatever. Once again THANK YOU for playing my map hopefully it provides an enjoyable experience for ya :) **************************************************************** See bh_castlemertz.txt (map briefing) for scoring/play info **there are 2 secret rooms with some pretty useless stuff in them, to see where they are located, go spectator and look at the overview image, their are buttons to open the doors, I leave them for you to find (both are in the yard area between bases) Also for your information, since this is such a small map, only scouts and medics are given secondary grenades, as to keep it from becoming a total spam-fest. Also, to curb any ideas people get about going offensive HW, I have a little 'surprise' for them at midfield. ================================================================ 4. INSTALL INFORMATION ================================================================ ** The zip file was organized in such a way that you should ** ** be able to unzip the file into your TFC folder and ** ** should be moved to their correct positions ** if you are having trouble with this - here are the exact locations where all the files should be placed In Your halflife/tfc/gfx/env directory place these files: gfx/env/dashnight256_up.bmp gfx/env/dashnight256_up.tga gfx/env/dashnight256_rt.bmp gfx/env/dashnight256_rt.tga gfx/env/dashnight256_lf.bmp gfx/env/dashnight256_lf.tga gfx/env/dashnight256_ft.bmp gfx/env/dashnight256_ft.tga gfx/env/dashnight256_dn.bmp gfx/env/dashnight256_dn.tga gfx/env/dashnight256_bk.bmp gfx/env/dashnight256_bk.tga In your halflife/tfc/maps directory place these files: bh_castlemertz_b3.bsp bh_castlemertz_b3.res bh_castlemertz_b3.txt bh_castlemertz_b3-readme.txt In your halflife/tfc/overviews directory place these files: bh_castlemertz_b3.bmp bh_castlemertz_b3.txt In your halflife/tfc/sound/bh_castlemertz directory place these files (the bh_castlemertz folder may have to be made): bh_guilty.wav llama.wav ================================================================ 5. CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION ================================================================ Editor(s) Used : Valve Hammer Editor 3.4 Build Time : ~5 months Compile Machine : Intel celeron @ 700 MHz, 128Mb RAM Compile Time : ~1 hr 12 minutes csg 00hrs 00min 56sec bsp 00hrs 00min 46sec vis 00hrs 14min 59sec rad 15hrs 02min 34sec Completed : October 1, 2002 ================================================================ 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ================================================================ Please send any additional questions/comments to BHTG@thegreats.org, or contact me on AOL instant messenger screen name: Hsoj25 , You can also usually find me on IRC gamesnet - #platinum, #thegreats, #theuntouchables If server admins decide to put this map in their rotation, they can email me with their server IP, and I will post it on my site along with the map download :) ================================================================ 7. COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS ================================================================ Only rule is this - do not make money off this map without getting in touch with me first for permission, and don't decompile it and say it is your own :) If you are interested - email me for the original .rmf or .map files ________________________________________________________________ ___ __ __ __ __ __ / _ )/ /__ ____/ /__ / // /__ ___ ___/ / / _ / / _ `/ __/ '_/ / _ / _ `/ _ \/ _ / /____/_/\_,_/\__/_/\_\ /_//_/\_,_/_//_/\_,_/