Conc_spooks_beta created by Jungle-]5th[- for the Concs-R-Us Haunted mapping contest. WARNING: Due to a crash, this is the first ever compiled version of the map so its got bugs etc.. it is posible though and im sure its fun, however i strongly recommend you dont upload this map to your server and only play onlone offline as there was some crashing isses that might crash your server, sorry. NOTE: all the above is due to a crash while i was saving that resulted in the conc_spooks.rmf (main mapping file) not working, What does that mean? it means i could not in any way manage to go back and improve sections of the map and fix bugs, somthing very important that i do with all my maps and im sure every other mapper would do aswell. The map is suppose to suprise you and scare you, think i did pretty well and it prob will. il leave it there anyway since ided hate to spoil it ;) good lucky and thanks for playing the first ever compiled version of Conc_spooks, if u like the map but surrer from some bugs then keep a look out for a _r (revised) version of the map just incase i somhow manage to recover the .rmf file. That 1 crash has prob recked my chances of winning this contest, after all the hard work thats gone into it :((((( Jungle-]5th[-