|Concmap_5th2| This is to be Concing Guide -]5th[- 's Trial map. Jumps: 1) Timing test A 2) Timing test B (also requires juggle skills) 3) Strafe test A 4) Strafe test B (also requires juggle skills) Then they get quite interesting: 5) This is my (Jungle) version of jump 1 on concmap_exist, it looks just like it but the rocks are more shaped so u must strafe more, although the jump is easier then jump 1 from exist. (these exist jumps were all made from scratch by jungle and nothing was copied or coverted over from the orig Exist. 6) As said above, but this is my version of jump 3 from exist (much easier then exist 3 though, but the same feel and fun). 7)A very much shorter version of 2 on exist, much easier but can still be hard for even the advanced concer. The map was intended to have 8 jumps, but ufortantly i had a mapping error and had to completly remove jump 8. Map Made and Designed by Jungle-]5th[- Vist #5thloc on Quake.net and pm jungle`` if u can beat this map and would like to trial, Always recruitng. last but not least - Have fun :) jungle.