Wecome! to concmap_esad2 It is Duh the second ESAD concmap. **GOAL** Conc through all the jumps and reach the end! **The Jumps** (Difficulty On a Scale From 1-10) #1 = 2 #2 = 6 #3 = 10 #4 = 3 #5 = 7 #6 = 10 #7 = 7 **Records** (How far we have got some of the classes.) Hw to stage 3. Demoman to the end. Pyro to 2. Soldier to 2. Medic to end. Scout to end. ************** Map Created By: [ESAD]Eat Sh!t and Die-[SR]- And a Little Help From: -[SR]-Master Death 84[ESAD] Enjoy! The Map! And Good Luck! ************** If you are a N00B and can't conc very well Please Don't Ruin it for the people trying to conc. (Which means don't spam the concs, nades, team shooting, ETC. Have A Nice Day!