Concmap_mog ======================================================== 1st Concmap i have made so hope you enjoy i didn't want to make a map thats really hard just one that was tricky in parts but possable Just use your concs to get from start to finish at the end you will recieve a nice point bonus a note to all Map testers, Thx to you all for pointing them bugs out :) ======================================================= Hellraiser - Bloodchild - =AF= - Quantum - Treehugger - BUMFLUFF - Xecuter - Max_Irish - Crusher_ml ======================================================= If i have forgot anyone im sorry but i don't think so :) Special Thanks Goes to Geiger for spending time teaching me the basics Ta m8 :) - Map Made By [M.A.D]CL[Mogsy] aka MadMogs #mad.tfc no spam pls i have enough of that :)