======================================================= concmap_xmc ======================================================= Mapped By MadCow And TyRanT Brought to you by Miley Cyrus Inspired by Myst^vi@RaGGa -- 6 total jumps -- - 1 secrets - - 1 kicked member- - one fucking good map - ======================================================= Finished: August 09, 2010 Build Time: Two Weeks Off and On ======================================================= models 135/400 8640/25600 (33.8%) planes 4771/32768 95420/655360 (14.6%) vertexes 23839/65535 286068/786420 (36.4%) nodes 12480/32767 299520/786408 (38.1%) texinfos 2165/32767 86600/1310680 ( 6.6%) faces 16031/65535 320620/1310700 (24.5%) clipnodes 22626/32767 181008/262136 (69.1%) leaves 8020/8192 224560/229376 (97.9%) marksurfaces 22752/65535 45504/131070 (34.7%) surfedges 71960/512000 287840/2048000 (14.1%) edges 40234/256000 160936/1024000 (15.7%) texdata [variable] 3820404/6291456 (60.7%) lightdata [variable] 1484397/6291456 (23.6%) visdata [variable] 100853/2097152 ( 4.8%) entdata [variable] 31287/524288 ( 6.0%) ======================================================= Special thanks Nyro//Emp ======================================================= Shout out to various concing buddies. whatup Zeke and yes it's a party in the usa tony (ha ha ha ha)