Crayola Presented by Pennywise[FOLD] Objective: Your team must hold the flag as long as possible. Scoring: 1 teamscore + frag every 15 seconds your team holds the flag Other Notes: A refill opens in the middle every time somebody dies. You start off with only gren1's, and there is no way to get gren2's. See crayola.txt for contact information. ======================================================================== This map was created for Team Fortress Classic 4/1/99 Matt "Pennywise[FOLD]" Alexander Contact info: Email: ICQ: 1133605 ======================================================================== Thanks go to members of Blood of the Fold for their support, Plaguebearer for helping with some ents, members of paragon for originally asking me to make the map like a year ago =), and a few others that shall remain nameless.