WELCOME TO ESAD EMPJUMP _______________________ MAP MADE BY: [ESAD]Trojan Man!!! _______________________ OBJECTIVE: Use Those EMPs You N00bs love to spam so much with, to make your way through the different areas of the map. Be smart and use your brains on this map if you toss a few ammo bags at your feet and grab a fresh new bag the emp with give more of a blast, becasue of those extra bags exploding. Also Keep your eyes open and look for little clues or where your to EMP jump your ass next. ________________________ This map is possible and if you say it is impossible you will look really dumb infront of peopel who can complete the map. ________________________ OUT ADVERTISEMENT: Visit: On/off Server 3. IP: Visit: ESAD and On/off3 Site. URL: http://onoff3.ath.cx/ ________________________ Thanks For Playing!!! ________________________ Questions Or COmments: Email me at Rancidmeatloaf@hotmail.com ________________________