Fatty War 2 ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 4th April 2015 CREATED BY: ShouldBeNew AKA The AVATA Fatty War 2 is the map successor to the first Fatty War map which was disliked and not recommended after testing even if being released. In Fatty War 2, players join either the peasants or the empire and their only class available to choose is the civilian which is called the "Fat Man" here. There is no objective, rather than to have fun and kill each other with crowbars, invade enemy spawn, hide in the castle, fight in the water. You have enough medikits as well. (RATINGS) There have been a lot of ratings and most of them were rating the map as "good" and "better than the previous map". (EXPANSIONS) Fatty War 2: Absolute War | RELEASE DATE: 12th April 2015 | RATINGS: 6/10 Fatty War 2: Old Times | RELEASE DATE: To Be Debated | RATINGS: To Be Debated (ORIGIN) This map is on the -[EVIL]- Fun/Adventure server since 4th April or 5th April 2015 and has been played by over 16 players on that day. (SPECIAL THANKS TO) Special thanks to everyone who rated the map, commented it and upgraded it with their comments. These people are: Maxspeed Turpow Masked Man Ultrakill Nikov Gian16 and many others who played the map on the first day. (CREATOR'S INFORMATION) Steam Username: The AVATA TFC In-game Name: ShouldBeNew Servers playing on: -[EVIL]-, sometimes SkillzWorld 2015