Fort Braves **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** 02/03/2000 ================================================================ Title : Fort Braves Filename : (fortbraves.bsp, fortbraves.txt , fortbraves_info.txt) Author : Master's[T&H] (Rogério J Urtado ) Homepage : (my TFC clan) Description : TeamFortress Classic CTF map or up Email : Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 30 players * Play Information * Single Player : No Teamfortress : Yes Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : my brain Editor(s) used : 80% Worldcraft 2.1 /20% Quark 6 beta Known Bugs : ??? Compile machine : K6-II 400 with 128 megs RAM QCSG Time : 0:3:23 QBSP Time : 0:20:27 QVIS Time (full ) : 1:35:03 QRAD Time (extra) : 1:37:53 New Textures : None New Sounds : None Editor used : Worldcraft 2.1 / Quark 6 beta ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: fortbraves.bsp, fortbraves.txt go in Half-life/tfc/maps/ ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: Fort Braves - Capture The Flag Objective: Enter the enemy base and make your way to the warden's office.Push the switch to open the flag room door. Scoring: 10 points per Capture. Other notes: You have 30 seconds to reach the flag after pushing the switch. in case yours character is arrested in the room of the flag safety's system it will be activated and will carbonize your ass!! By Master's ************************************* -->Fort Braves IS A BRAZILIAN MAP!<-- ************************************* If you plan to use this level on your server, I'd appeciate an email or ICQ message so I can find it =) Hope you have fun! ================================================================ THANKYOU TeamFortress Software and Valve software for making TF, HL and TFC ,Zoner's Halflife Tools, Q2BeaVear Playtesters: Cleaner, Joe Additional Thanks: all of Uninet Forun Joe,Cleaner -for helpful comments and suggestions YOU -for the download :) If you like this map or if you hate this map, please email me with your comments at the address above. ================================================================ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Fort Braves is copyright 2000 . You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ================================================================