================================================== H A S T E (revised) by Stayne ================================================== Fast action capture-the-flag with security lasers. Get the lasers, the button is right in front of the draw bridge. The draw bridge drops when the security goes down. Security stays down for 60 seconds. The flag returns after 30 seconds. Each flag capture awards the team 10 points and the player 10 frags. Notes: The original inspiration was the inclusion of the drawbridges, something that I had not seen in any other TFC maps. Revision: Fixed the button exploit by making it touch activated. ================================================== Tools used: Hammer v3.5 Zoner's Half-Life Compile Tools ================================================== Additional Credits: Textures from: Eat's Schtop textures NerdKing's Metalliwad.WAD V1.0 Evil lair's evil6 textures ================================================== #absoultezero on irc.gamesurge.net